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As the Hearst Fellow, Peter Fabian studies small fish in a big pond

During his career as a developmental biologist, Hearst Fellow Peter Fabian has studied many kinds of fish—from bichir and sturgeon, to gar and medaka. However, his favorite is the zebrafish, the current focus of his postdoctoral training in the USC Stem Cell laboratory of Gage Crump. “I like zebrafish most,” said Fabian. “It’s a very…Continue Reading As the Hearst Fellow, Peter Fabian studies small fish in a big pond

Gage Crump earns an $8 million NIH Award for Sustaining Outstanding Achievement in Research

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has recognized USC scientist Gage Crump with an Award for Sustaining Outstanding Achievement in Research—an eight-year, $8 million grant to support the development of stem cell-based treatments for patients with craniofacial diseases. “Perhaps the best part of this award is that it funds the investigator, rather than a specific project,” said…Continue Reading Gage Crump earns an $8 million NIH Award for Sustaining Outstanding Achievement in Research

Lindsey Barske and Joanna Smeeton embark on the Pathway to Independence

USC Stem Cell scientists Lindsey Barske and Joanna Smeeton have received prestigious National Institutes of Health (NIH) Pathway to Independence Awards. Known as the K99/R00, the awards will help them transition from the postdoctoral to the faculty stages of their careers….Continue Reading Lindsey Barske and Joanna Smeeton embark on the Pathway to Independence