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Peter Fabian
Peter Fabian (Photo by Cristy Lytal)
As a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at USC, Peter Fabian has proven himself to be a big fish in the pool of aspiring faculty members. Only three years after joining the USC Stem Cell laboratory of Gage Crump to study craniofacial development in tiny zebrafish embryos, Fabian has received a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Pathway to Independence Award. Known as the K99/R00, the award will help him transition from the postdoctoral to the faculty stage of his career.

Remarkably, in the past four years, two other postdoctoral fellows from the Crump Lab also received K99/R00s, and successfully transitioned to tenure-track assistant professorships: Lindsey Barske at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, and Joanna Smeeton at Columbia University. Fabian is the third member of the Crump Lab to earn this prestigious award.

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